1. L. Kassamakova, R. Kakanakov, I. Kassamakov, N. Nordell et al, Al/Si ohmic contacts to p-type 4H-SiC for power devices, Proc. of International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials, ICSCRM’99, Raleigh, North Carolina, October 10-15, 1999.
2. R. Kakanakov, L. Kassamakova, G. Sarov, Ohmic contacts, packages and packaging for high power and high temperature SiC devices, Proc.of US-Europe Conference on wide bandgap semiconductor technology for next generation electronic and photonic devices, Arlington, VA, USA, December 9-10, 1999, pp.120-155.
3. Chr. Bahchedjiev, T. Cholakova, L. Bedikian, M. Neshev, Ecological thermoelectric cooling-heating devices, Proc. of 9th Intern. Symposium”Ecology‘2000” 8-18 June, Bourgas 2000, p.394.
4. M. Neshev, L.Bedikjan, T.Cholakova, Chr.Bahchedjiev, Thermoelectric Modules and Devices, Intern. Forum “Innovations and Technologies from Eastern Europe”, 21-22 June 2001, Münhen.
5. T. Cholakova, Chr. Bahchedjiev, M. Neshev, L. Bedikian, Thermoelectric modules and their application, Proc. of 3rd International Symposium ”Technomat‘2001”, Bourgas 2001, p.53.
6. T. Cholakova, Chr. Bahchedjiev, L. Bedikian, M. Neshev, Thermoelectric container for storage and transport of blood, Proc. of the 10th Intern. Scientific Conference “Electronics 2001”, book 4, Sozopol’2001, p.219.
7. Chr. Bahchedjiev, T.Cholakova, M.Neshev, L.Bedikian, Thermoelectric cooling aggregates, Proc. of the 10th Intern. Scientific Conference“Electronics 2001”, book 4, Sozopol’2001, p.225.
8. R. Kakanakov, L. Kassamakova, N. Hristeva, G. Lepoeva et al, Reliable ohmic contacts to LPE p-type 4H-SiC for high power p-n diode, Intern. Conference on SiC and Related Materials, ICSCRM’2001, Tsukuba, October 28 – November 2, Japan.
9. L. Kassamakova, R.Kakanakov, R.Yakimova et al, Effect of the temperature treatment on Au/Pd Schottky contact to 4H-SiC, Intern. Conference on SiC and Related Materials, ICSCRM’2001, Tsukuba, October 28 – November 2, Japan.
10. N. Kuznetsov, D. Bauman, A. Gavrilin, L. Kassamakova, R. Kakanakov, G. Sarov et al, 4H-SiC pn Diode Grown by LPE Method for High Power Applications, Intern. Conference on SiC and Related Materials, ICSCRM’2001, Tsukuba, October 28 – November 2, Japan.
11. L. Kassamakova, R. Kakanakov, V. Cimalla, N. Hristeva, G. Lepoeva et al, Pd-base ohmic contacts to LPE 4H-SiC with improved thermal stability, ECSCRM 2002, September 1-5, Linkoping, Sweden.
12. L. Kassamakova, R. Yakimova, R. Kakanakov et al, Characteristics of Ni Schottky contacts on compensated 4H-SiC layers, ECSCRM 2002, September 1-5, Linkoping, Sweden.
13. G.Sarov, R.Kakanakov, T.Cholakova, L.Kassamakova et al, Reliability of 4H-SiC diodes on LPE grown layers, ECSCRM 2002, September 1-5, Linkoping, Sweden.
14. N.Kuznetsov, D.Bauman, A.Gavrilin, L.Kassamakova, R.Kakanakov, G.Sarov, T.Cholakova et al, 4H-SiC pn Diode Grown by LPE Method for High Power Applications, ECSCRM 2002, September 1-5,Linkoping, Sweden.
15. R. Kakanakov, L. Kassamakova, N. Hristeva, G. Lepoeva, K. Zekentes, Thermally Stable Low Resistivity Ohmic Contacts for High Power and High Temperature SiC Device Applications, Proc. of 23rd International Conference on Microelectronics, Nič, Yugoslavia, 12-15 May 2002.
16. J. Aaltonen, I. Kassamakov, M. Luukkala, The development of the white light interference microscope; first results, Proceedings “Mechanical Engineering Research New Possibilities by Co-operation”, Tampere University of Technology, January 2002, pp.165 – 174.
17. P.Terziyska, C. Blanc, J.Pernot et al, Evaluation dе structures MESFET sur la base de measures d’Effet Hall en temperature, Recontre Franko-Espagnole sur la Chimie et la Physique da l’Etat Solide, Sant Foliu de Guixols, 20-23 Mars 2002.
18. Chr. Bahchedjiev, L. Bedikjan, T. Cholakova, M. Neshev, Solid electrolyte sensors for environmental condition control and some technological process optimization, Proc. of 10th International Symposium ”Ecology ‘2002”, Bourgas 2002, p.208.
19. Chr. Bahchedjiev, L. Bedikjan, T. Cholakova, M. Neshev, Heat pipes – design, investigation and application, Proc. of 4th Intern. Symposium ”Technomat‘2002”, Bourgas 2002, p.124.
20. Chr. Bahchedjiev, M. Neshev, T. Cholakova, L. Bedikjan, Heat and mass transfer in heat pipes, Proc. of 5th Intern. Symposium”Technomat‘2003”, Bourgas 2003, Vol.4, part 2, p.34.
21. T. Cholakova, Chr. Bahchedjiev, M. Neshev, L. Bedikjan, Investigation of heat pipes with capillary-porous structures, Proc.of 5th International Symposium ”Technomat‘2003”, Bourgas, Vol.4, part 2, p.247.
22. M. Milanova, R. Kakanakov, P.Terziyska, High efficiency photoelements based on III-V compound heterostrucures for highly concentrated solar radiation, Proc. of 3rd Conference on renewed energy sources, 23-24 October 2003, Sofia, pр.100-105.
23. R. Kakanakov, L. Kasamakova – Kolaklieva, et al, High temperature and high power stability investigation of Al-based ohmic contacts to p-type 4H-SiC, ICSCRM’2003, 5-10 October, Lyon, France.
24. L. Kolaklieva, L. Storasta, I.G. Ivanov et al, Temperature-dependent Hall effect measurements in low-compensated p-type 4H-SiC, ICSCRM’2003, 5-10 October, Lyon, France.
25. G. Sarov, T. Cholakova, R. Kakanakov, P-n Junction Periphery Protection of 4H-SiC Power p-i-n Diodes Using Epitaxy and Dry Etching, ICSCRM 2003, October 5-10, 2003, Lyon, France.
26. R. Kakanakov, T. Cholakova, G. Sarov, Periphery Protection of SiC p-i-n Diodes, Proc. of 6th Conference on Semiconductor Physics, 27-31 October, 2003, Sankt Petersburg, Russia.
27. K. Bunkowski, I. Kassamakov, K. Kierzkowski et al, Irradiation Effects in Electronic Components of the RPC Trigger for the CMS Experiments, SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 5484, pp.257 – 268, 21-25 May 2003, WILGA, Poland.
28. Z. Radivojevic, I. Kassamakov et al, Novel life-time acceleration method for quality assessment of microelectronic devices, Proceedings of the XXXVII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, March 20-22, 2003, Helsinki, Finland, University of Helsinki Department of Physical Sciences, Report Series in Physics, p.256.
29. J. Aaltonen, I. Kassamakov, R. Kakanakov, M. Luukkala, Coherence microscopy in industrial manufacture, robotics and imaging, Research Programme on Future Mechanical Engineering 2000-2003, p. 120-126, (2003),TUKEVA Final Report.
30. H. Seppänen, I. Kassamakov, M. Oinonen et al, Scanning White Light Interferometry in Quality Control of Single-Point Tape Automated Bonding, SPIE Photonics, North Ottawa, Canada, 26-29 September 2004 (Proc. SPIE, Vol.5578, p.519-526).
31. I. Kassamakov, J. Aaltonen, E. Hæggström et al, Scanning White Light Interferometry for Quality Control of Transparent Polymer Films, SPIE Photonics North, Ottawa, Canada, 26-29 September 2004, (Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5578, p.509-518).
32. J. Aaltonen, I. Kassamakov, P.Vihinen, F. Haeggston, R. Kakanakov, Scanning white-light Interferometer and its Applications, Proceeding of the XXXVIII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, 2004, Oulu, Finland, University of Oulu Report Series in Physical Sciences, Report No 25 p. 313 (2004).
33. P. Vihinen, I. Kassamakov, Z. Radivojevic et al, Thermoelectric Cooler Array for Lifetime Studies of Electronic Devices, Proceedings of the XXXVIII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, March 18-20, 2004, Oulu, Finland, University of Oulu Report Series in Physical Sciences, Report No. 25 p.193(2004).
34. L. Kolaklieva, R. Kakanakov, G. Lepoeva, N. Christeva, et al, Au/Ti/Al contacts to SiC for power applications: electrical, chemical and thermal properties, Proc. of 24rd Intern. Conference on Microelectronics, Nič, Serbia and Montenegro, Vol.2, pp. 421-424 (2004).
35. L. Kolaklieva, R. Kakanakov, Ts. Marinova, G. Lepoeva, Effect of the metal composition on the electrical and thermal properties of Au/Pd/Ti/Pd contacts to p-type SiC, Proc. of 5th European Conference on SiC and Related Materials ECSCRM 2004, Bologna, Italy.
36. E. Bogdanova, A. Volkova, A. Cherenkov, A. Lebedev, R. Kakanakov, L. Kolaklieva, G. Sarov, T. Cholakova et al, Optimization of the p-i-n 4H-SiC diode development technology, Proc. of the 5th Intern. Seminar on SiC and Related Materials ISSCRM –2004, pp.122-124, Velikiy Novgorod, Russia.
37. A. Lebedev, A. Kirilov, L. Romanov, R. Kakanakov et al, Research of low-frequency and the microwave characteristics of initial samples SiC p-i-n diodes, Proc. of the 5th Intern. Seminar on SiC and Related Materials ISSCRM-2004, p. 125, Velikiy Novgorod, Russia.
38. G. Sarov, T. Cholakova, R. Kakanakov, The reactive neutral beam etching of SiC and its application in junction periphery protection, ICSCRM 2004, Bologna, Italy.
39. Z. Radivojevic, M. Oinonen, I. Kassamakov et al, IR Thermography for Quality Assesment of Microelectronic Devices, Proc. of 7th International Conference on Quantitative InfraRed Thermography, Karman Institute, Rhode-St-Genèse, Belgium, July 2004.
40. B. Arnaudov, V.Vilkotski, D. Domanevski, R. Kakanakov, Non-destructive luminescence measurement method of semiconductor doping level, Collection of proceedings and engineering developments of the 5-th Russian exhibition “Products of dual application. Conversion OPK”, Моskvа, IMASH RАS, Vol.2, pр.274-276 (2004).
41. A. Parshuto, V. Novikov, D. Domanevski, Yu. Baranov, V. Burski, А. Коsobucki, R. Kakanakov, Acquiring present material and parts properties by means of electrochemical processing, Collection of proceedings and engineering developments of the 5-th Russian exhibition “Products of dual application. Conversion OPK”, Моskvа, IMASH RАS, Vol.2, р.104 (2004).
42. V. Novikov, I. Bashmakov, А. Matveev, R. Kakanakov, Pseudomorphism self-organization and nature selection in the synthesis of 3D micro objects, Collection of proceedings of the 57-th Scientific-technical conference of professors, teachers, researchers and doctors in the frame of the 2-th International scientific-technical conference ”Science-education, production ,economy”, Мinsk, BNTU, Vol.2, pр.323-326 (2004).
43. V. Chitanov, C. Kiparissides, M. Petrov, Neural-Fuzzy Modeling of Polymer Quality in Batch Polymerization Reactors, Preprints, Symposium on Knowledge Driven Batch Processes, pp. 289-299, Poros, Greece, June 6-9, 2004.
44. M. Georgieva, N. Petkov, M. Petrov et al, Internal Fuzzy Neural Model for PID Control Tuning, Summer School on Control Theory and Applications, Graz, Austria, September 2004.
45. I. Ganchev, N. Petkov, An Algorithm for Auto-tuning of PID Controllers, Summer School on Control Theory and Applications, Graz, Austria, September 2004.
46. P.Sveshtarov, N.Velchev, Carbon nanotubes, Scientific session of the scientists’ union, October 2004, Plovdiv.
47. R. Kakanakov, L. Kasamakova – Kolaklieva et al, High temperature and high power stability investigation of Al-based ohmic contacts to p-type 4H-SiC, IEEE International Spring Seminar on Electronic Technology, 27th ISSE 2004, May 13-16, 2004, Sofia, pp. 543-546.
48. V.Chitanov, M. Petrov, C. Kiparissides, Neural-Fuzzy Modeling of Polymer Quality in Batch Polymerization Reactors, Second International Conference on Intelligent Systems, IEEE, June 2004, St. Konstantin and Elena, Vol. 3, pp. 67-72.
49. I. Ganchev, M. Petrov, N. Petkov, Auto-tuning of Cascade Systems with Auxiliary Corrector, SAER-2004, September 24 – 26, Varna, pp. 46 – 50.
50. Chr.Bahchedjiev, M. Neshev, L. Bedikian, T. Cholakova, Aluminum Heat Sink with Improved Performance, VІІ Intern Symp. “Теchnomat & Infotel 2005”, Sunny Beach, р. 147 (2005).
51. St. Zakhariev, M. Zakharieva, Photoresistors based on thin films, Proc. of Chemic-Technical University Conference, Sofia 2005, р.216.
52. I. Kassamakov, L. Kolaklieva, J. Aaltonen, E. Hæggström, H. Saarikko, R. Kakanakov, Scanning White Light Interferometry Study of Ohmic Contacts to p-type SiC, Proc. of the XXXIX Annual Conf. of the Finnish Physical Society, March 17-19, p.127, 2005, Espoo, Finland.
53. M. Österberg, A. Wallin, I. Kassamakov et al, Precise and Versatile Measurement of Piezo Movement using Fiber-Optic Laser Interferometry, Proc. of the XXXIX Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, March 17-19, p. 137, 2005, Espoo, Finland.
54. Z. Radivojevic, I. Kassamakov, M. Oinonen et al, Rapid IR Inspection of Light and Flexible TAB Interconnection, Proceedings of the XXXIX Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, March 17-19, p.132, 2005, Espoo, Finland.
55. H. Seppänen, I. Kassamakov, M. Oinonen et al, Non-Destructive Bond Process Control for the ALICE SSD Modules with Scanning White-Light Interferometry, Proc. of the XXXIX Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, March 17-19, p.116, 2005, Espoo, Finland.
56. P. Luukka, T. Lampén, L. Wendland, S. Czellar, E. Hæggström, J. Härkönen, I.Kassamakov et al, Helsinki Silicon Beam Telescope test results for proton irradiated Magnetic Czochralski silicon detector, Proceedings of the XXXIX Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, March 17-19, p. 267, 2005, Espoo, Finland.
57. T. Karppinen, I. Kassamakov, J. Aaltonen et al, Measuring paper wetting in the thickness direction of paper, Proceedings of the XXXIX Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, March 17-19, p. 128, 2005, Espoo, Finland.
58. P. Luukka, T. Lampén, L. Wendland, E. Hæggström, S. Czellar, I. Kassamakov et al, Test beam results of proton irradiated Czochralski silicon strip detector, 10th European Symposium on semiconductor detectors, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany, June 12 - 16, 2005.
59. P. Luukka, T. Lampen, L.Wendland, E. Haeggström, S. Czellar, I. Kassamakov et al, Test Beam Results of Proton Irradiated Czochralski Silicon Strip, 6th RD50 - Workshop on Radiation hard semiconductor devices for very high luminosity colliders, Helsinki, 2-4 June, 2005.
60. M. Oinonen, J. Aaltonen, I. Kassamakov et al, ALICE Silicon Strip Detector Module Assembly with Single-Point TAB Interconnections, 11 th Workshop on Electronics for LHC and Future Experiments, Heidelberg, Germany, 12-16 September 2005.
61. N. Petkov, I. Ganchev, I. Dragotinov, An Extention of the Relay Feedback Autotuner, Summer School Brno 2005, Czech Republic, September, pp. 191 – 193.
62. D. Domanevski, S. Zohovetz, А.Gerasimovich, V.Vilkotski, D. Bobuchenko, G. Gobsh, R. Kakanakov, B.Arnaudov, Optical control of doped semiconductor parameters and devices based on these. Internet web site NAN Belarus 2005 - Free publication.
63. B. Arnaudov, V.Vilkotski, G.Gobsh, А.Gerasimovich, D. Domanevski, S. Zohovetz, R. Kakanakov, Yu. Тrofimov, Optical control of III-V compound semiconductor parameters, High technology on Russian industry, Proceedings of XII Intern. Science and Techn.Conference, Моskvа, ОАО CNITI “ТECHNOMASH”, 2006, 7-9 September.
64. R. Kakanakov, L. Kolaklieva, G. Sarov, L. Romanov et al, High speed modulator in Q-band range on 4H-SiC p-i-n diodes, Proc. of 25th International Conference on Microelectronics, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 14-17 May 2006, 293-296 (2006).
65. I. Kassamakov, K. Ojala, A. Salmi et al, Characterization of dents and grooves on polymer films using Scanning White Light Interferometry, Proc. SPIE, 6188, Photonics Europe, Strasbourg, France, 3 - 7 April 2006, p. 61881G, 2006.
66. P. Vihinen, I. Kassamakov, M. Schorpp et al, Performance of Polymer Optical Fibers under Extreme Conditions, Proceedings from the conference “Northern Optics 2006”, 14-16 June 2006, Bergen, Norway, p. 47 – 49, 2006.
67. H. Seppänen, J. Haapalainen, I. Kassamakov et al, Finite element modeling for single-point tape automated bonding process, Proceedings of the XL Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, March 9-11, Tampere, Finland, ISBN 925-15-1568-6, p. 137, 2006.
68. P. Vihinen, I. Kassamakov, M. Schorpp, H. Saarikko, Study of polymer optical fibers under extreme conditions, Proceedings of the XL Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, March 9-11, Tampere, Finland, ISBN 925-15-1568-6, p. 308, 2006.
69. I. Kassamakov, K. Ojala, A. Salmi et al, Characterizing grooves in polymer films using scanning white light interferometry, Proceedings of the XL Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, March 9-11, Tampere, Finland, ISBN 925-15-1568-6, p. 311, 2006.
70. D. Chaliampalias, G. Vourlias, N. Pistofidis, L. Kolaklieva, R. Kakanakov et al, Microstructural Study of superhard TiN Coatings with TEM and AFM. An explanation of possible failure, Proceedings of 16th International Microscopy Congress, Sapporo, Japan, 3-8 September 2006, p.1377.
71. V. Chitanov, Fuzzy Model Predictive Control for Temperature Mixture of Polymer Reactor, Proceedings of Technical University of Plovdiv, Fundamental Science and Applications, Vol.13(14), Anniversary Scientific Conference, 2006.
72. N. Petkov, Tuning and Auto-tuning of Controllers - A Survey, Journal of the Technical University at Plovdiv. Fundamental Sciences and Applications, Vol. 13, 2006, Anniversary Scientific Conference.
73. N. Petkov, The online auto-tuned control of processes with dead time, Intern. Conference Automatic and Informatics’06, October 3 – 6, Sofia 2006.
74. М. Dinkova, Е. Dinkov, Inductive displacement transducer, Scientific conference “Food Science, Technique and Technologies 2006” – University of food technologies, Vol.LIII, part 2, pр.240-245, Plovdiv, 2006.
75. М. Dinkova, Т. Nedzip, Е. Dinkov, Displacement measuring units, Scientific conference “Food Science, Technique and Technologies 2006” – University of food technologies, Vol. LIII, part 2, pр.240-245, Plovdiv, 2006.
76. Т. Nedzip, Е. Dinkov, М. Dinkova, Equipment for studying the parameters and characteristics of photovoltaic panels, Scientific conference “Food Science, Technique and Technologies 2006” – University of food technologies, Vol.LIII, part 2, pр.240-245, Plovdiv, 2006.
77. Т. Nedzip, Е. Dinkov, М.Dinkova, Amplifier circuit for photovoltaic panel, Scientific conference “Food Science, Technique and Technologies 2007” – University of food technologies, Vol.LIV, part 3, pр.202-207, Plovdiv, 2007.
78. V. Mihov, E. Dinkov, AC-AC Power Converters – Overview and Application, Electronics ET 2007, 19-21 September, Sozopol, Book 2, pp.121-127.
79. V. Mihov, E. Dinkov, Dynamic Non-overlap Commutation Control in Switching Regulators, Electronics ET 2007, 19-21 September, Sozopol, Book 2, pp.116-121.
80. Т. Nedzip, I.Vulkov, Е.Dinkov, М.Dinkova, Investigation of photovoltaic modules characteristics as a function of temperature, Scientific Seminar ”Теchnics and technologies, Natural, Society and Human Science” of Union of Scientists in Bulgaria – Plovdiv 2007, November16.
81. P. Shindov, P. Philipov, R. Kakanakov, XRD, XPS, and SEM Characterization of Photoconductive CdS Layers Deposited by Vacuum Thermal Evaporation, 30th Intern. Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, ISSE 2007, Sozopol, pp.219 – 222 (2007).
82. R. Kakanakov, L. Kolaklieva, M. Enevska, E. Dinkov, New electro discharge polishing equipment and technology, Proc. of Inter. Conference NANOHARD 2006, Sozopol, pp. 91-94 (2007).
83. R. Kakanakov, L. Kolaklieva, Chr. Bahchedjiev, T. Cholakova et al, Investigation of the interface TiN/stainless steel obtained by cathodic-arc deposition, Proc. of Intern.Conference NANOHARD 2006, Sozopol, pp.27-32 (2007).
84. D. Chaliampalias, G. Vourlias, N. Pistofidis, L. Kolaklieva, R. Kakanakov et al, Microstructural Study of TiN Coatings with Transmission And Scanning Electron Microscopy, Proc. of Intern.Conference NANOHARD 2006, Sozopol, pp.11-20 (2007).
85. E.Vlakhov, R. Kakanakov, L. Kolaklieva et al, Ni/NiO nanodispersed thin films:Development and applications, Proc. of Intern.Conference NANOHARD 2006, Sozopol, pp.59-62 (2007).
86. Y. Alexiev, Y. Baranov, V. Burskij, D. Domanevskij, S. Ivashchenko, V. Kazachenko, R. Kakanakov, L. Kolaklieva et al, Stainless Steel Surface Modification in Electro-discharge Polishing, Proc. of Intern. Conference NANOHARD 2006, Sozopol, pp33-35 (2007).
87. D. Domanevskij, V.Vilkotski, Yu. Тrofimov, B. Arnaudov, R. Kakanakov, S. Маnego, From the shape of the loe-energy front of LED luminescence spectra of single quantum well InGaN. Intern.Conference on Ga, In, Al nitrides. Моskvа 2007, University of Moskva ”Lomonosov”.
88. J. Haapalainen, I. Kassamakov, J. Heinämäki et al, FEM Prediction of Dynamic Scratch Resistance of Polymer Coatings, Abaqus Users Conference, May 2007, Paris, France.
89. J. Haapalainen, J. Heinämäki, I. Kassamakov et al, Prediction of dynamic scratch resistance of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) film coatings, Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress, PSWC 2007, April 22-25, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2007.
90. S. Väyrynen, I. Kassamakov, P. Sane et al, Irradiation and characterization of silicon particle detectors at low temperatures, Proceedings of the XLI Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, Tallinn, Estonia, p. 241, 2007.
91. J. Haapalainen, I. Kassamakov, J. Heinämäki et al, Characterizing mechanical properties of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) film coatings with finite element methods, Proc. of the XLI Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, Tallinn, Estonia, p. 227, 2007.
92. K. Hanhijärvi, J. Aaltonen, I. Kassamakov, E. Hæggström, 3-D Dynamic profilometry of M(O)EMS using stroboscopic scanning white light interferometry, Proc.of the XLI Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, Tallinn, Estonia, p. 214, 2007.
93. V. Chitanov, A. Taneva, Algorithm with Fuzzy-Neural Model Predictive Control for Optimization of the Temperature of the Polymer Reactor Mixture, CEEPUS WEB Summer School 2007 - "Informatics Systems in Automation", Maribor, Slovenia, 14-28 September, 2007.
94. B. Arnaudov, V.Vilkotski, D. Domanevski, S. Evtimova, R. Kakanakov et al, Luminescence spectra of heterojunctions with single GaN/ InGaN quantum well at different excitation levels, Book of papers of the 6th Belarus – Russia Workshop “Semiconductor Lasers and Systems”, Minsk 2007, pp133-136, Belarus.
95. V. Chitanov, Temperature schemes with fuzzy model predictive control for polymer reactor, Proc. of Scientific Conference TECHNOMAT’ 2007.
96. N. Petkov, The model-based approach for diagnosis of valve actuator faults, Proc. of Technical University Scientific Conference, Mart 2007, Plovdiv.
97. M. Milanova, P. Sveshtarov, R. Kakanakov et al, Preparation and characterization of multilayer AlGaAs/GaAs structures for fotovoltaic application, VEIT’2007, Sozopol.
98. V. Chitanov, M. Petrov, Fuzzy-Neural Model Predictive Control Algorithm for Temperature Control of Polymer Reactor Mixture, International Conference Automatics and Informatics,07, Proceedings, Vol. II, pp. I-29-I-32, 3-6 October 2007.
99. D. Domanevski, B. Arnaudov, D. Bobuchenko, Yu.Trofimov, R. Kakanakov, Shape of radiation peak of LEDs with single GaN/ InGaN quantum well between doped barriers, Proc.6th Russ. Conf. “Ga, In and Al nitrides – structures and devices”, Sankt Petersburg 2008, pр 169-170.
100. M. Milanova, R. Kakanakov, B. Arnaudov et al, Investigation of thin film multiheterostructures for solar cell application, EMRS, May 26-30, 2008, Strasbourg, France.
101. P. Ivanov. P. Vitanov, E. Goranova, M. Milanova, B. Arnaudov, Optimization of AlGaAs/GaAs solar cells by numerical modeling, Condensed Matter Physics Conference of Balkan countries, 26-28 May, 2008, Mugla, Turkey.
102. Z. Alexieva. M. Milanova, P. Vitanov, R. Kakanakov, Electrical behavior of multilayer A3B5 heterostructures, Condensed Matter Physics Conference of Balkan countries, 26-28 May, 2008, Mugla, Turkey.
103. L. Kolaklieva, R. Kakanakov, V. Cimalla et al, The Role of Ti/Al Ratio in Nanolayered Ohmic Contacts for GaN/AlGaN HEMTs, Proc. of 26th International Conference on Microelectronics, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 11-14 May 2008, pp.221-224 (2008).
104. P. Shindov, R. Kakanakov, L. Kolaklieva et al, Surface recristallization of CdS layers by pulsed - laser annealing, Proc. of 26th International Conference on Microelectronics, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 11-14 May 2008, 243-246 (2008).
105. K. Hanhijärvi, T. Majava, I. Kassamakov et al, Towards Predicting HPMC Film Aging by Interferometry, 6th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, April 7-10, 2008, Barcelona, Spain.
106. T. Karppinen, H. Pajari, J.Haapalainen, I. Kassamakov et al, Ultrasonic and Optical Characterization of Forming Colloidal Films, 2008 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) Beijing International Convention Center (BICC), Beijing, China, November 2-5, 2008.
107. I. Kassamakov, K. Hanhijärvi, J. Aaltonen et al, Stroboscopic White Light Interferometry for Dynamic Characterization of Capacitive Pressure Sensors, Proceedings of Acoustics '08, Paris, France, pp. 2523-2527, 2008.
108. L.Costelle, S.van Dijken, T. Riekkinen, I. Kassamakov et al, Fabrication of single crystalline ferroelectric capacitors by H+He co-implantation and wafer bonding, Proc. of the XLII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, Turko, Finland, p.290, 2008.
109. E. Tuominen, F. Garcia, J. Heino, T. Hilden, M. Kalliokoski, A. Kaskela, I. Kassamakov et al, Current activities at the detector laboratory of Helsinki Institute of Physics, Proc.of the XLII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, Turko, Finland, p.147, 2008.
110. S. Väyrynen, I. Kassamakov et al, Silicon Particle Detector Characterization by Capacitance Measurements, Proceedings of the XLII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, Turko, Finland, p.137, 2008.
111. P. Luukka, C. Czellar, J. Härkönen, I. Kassamakov et al, Detectors for Super-LHC, Proc. of the XLII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, Turko, Finland, p.19, 2008.
112. B. Arnaudov, D. Domanevski, S. Evtimova , Ch. Ivanov, R. Kakanakov, Band filling effect on the light emission spectra of InGaN/GaN quantum well with highly doped barriers, EMRS Conference, May 26-30, 2008, Strasbourg, France.
113. M. Petrov, V.Chitanov, A. Ishtev, S. Ahmed, Fuzzy-Neural Model Based Predictive Control Algorithm for Control of a Polymerization Reactor, International Conference Automatics and Informatics’08 , Proceedings, pp. I-1÷I-6, 1-4 October 2008.
114. V.Chitanov, Algorithm with Distributed Fuzzy-Neural Model Predictive Control of Polymerization Reactor, International Conference Automatics and Informatics’08 , Proceedings, pp. I-11÷I-14, 1-4 October 2008.
115. M. Milanova, R. Kakanakov, G. Koleva, B. Arnaudov et al, Incorporation of nitrogen in melt grown GaAs, 15th International school on condensed matter physics, Varna 2008.
116. V. Мihov , Е.Dinkov, Regulating the intensity of gas-discharge light sources, Science Conf. Еlectronics 2008, May 29-30 , Sofia, pp.252-258.
117. P. Shindov, R. Какаnakоv et al, Photodetector of CdS with contacts of CdO, Proc.of XVII Intern.Science and Appl. Science Conf. “Electronics” 2008, September 22-24, Sozopol.
118. Е. Dinkov, М.Dinkova, Transformer saturation sensor, Scientific conference “Food Science, Technique and Technologies 2008” – University of food technologies, Vol. LV, part 2, стр.262-266, Plovdiv, 2008.
119. K. Hanhijärvi, J. Aaltonen, I. Kassamakov et al, Effect of LED Spectral Shift on Vertical Resolution in Stroboscopic White Light Interferometry, Proceedings SPIE, Vol. 7003, Optical Sensors 2008, Strasbourg, France, p. 70031S, 2008.
120. R. Kakanakov, S. Zahariev, M. Zaharieva, M. Neshev, L. Bedikyan, Energy – Saving LED Lighting, Proc. of Intern. Conf. NANOHARD 2009, 24-27 May, Sozopol.
121. J. Haapalainen, I. Kassamakov et al, Evaluation of scratch resistance of HPMC films intended for tablet coatings, 2nd Pharm. Scence Fair, June 8-12, 2009, Nice, France.
122. K. Hanhijärvi, I. Kassamakov et al, Scanning White Light Interferometer with Supercontinuum Light Source, Proceedings of the XLIII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, March 12–14, 2009, p. 290, Espoo, Finland.
123. S. Väyrynen, J. Raisanen, P. Tikkanen, I. Kassamakov et al, Effects of Activation by Proton Irradiation on Silicon Particle Detectors, Proceedings of the XLIII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, March 12–14, 2009, p. 290, Espoo, Finland.
124. K. Hanhijärvi, J. Aaltonen, I. Kassamakov et al, Dynamic Evaluation of Lateral and Vertical Displacement of Thermally Actuated MEMS devices, Proceedings of the SPIE “Optical metrology” Munich, Germany, June 2009, Vol. 7389, pp. 73892Z-1-73892Z-10, (2009).
125. T. Karppinen, I. Kassamakov et al, Towards Quantitative Nanomechanics in Electronics Lab, Proceedings of the XLIII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, March 12–14, 2009, p. 290, Espoo, Finland.
126. M. Milanova, R. Kakanakov, P. Vitanov, Tz. Alexieva, E. .Goranova, B. Arnaudov, S. Evtimova, C. Barthou, B. Clerjaud, Investigation of melt-grown dilute GaAsN and InGaAsN nanostructures for photovoltaics, EMRS Spring Meeting, 2009, Strasbourg, France.
127. V. Heikkinen, J. Aaltonen, I. Kassamakov et al, Non Phosphor White LED Light Source for Interferometry, Dimensional Optical Metrology and Inspection for Practical Applications, Proc. of Optics and Photonics SPIE conference, August 2011, San Diego, California, USA, Vol.8133, 2011, p.813309-1.
128. V. Heikkinen, B. Wälchli, H. Räikkönen, J. Aaltonen, I. Kassamakov et al, Solid State Light Sources for 3d Profilometry, Proceedings of the XLV Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, March 29–31, 2011, Helsinki, Finland, p. 76, 2011.
129. J. Härkönen, E. Tuovinen, P. Luukka, T. Mäenpää, E. Tuovinen, E. Tuominen, I. Kassamakov et al, Research and Development of Upgrade of CERN CMS Experiment Silicon Tracker, Proceedings of the XLV Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, March 29–31, 2011, Helsinki, Finland, p. 77, 2011.
130. B. Wälchli, et al, E. Hæggström, Broadband LED- Sources for Scanning White Light Interferometry, Proceedings of the XLV Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society, March 29–31, 2011, Helsinki, Finland, p. 230, 2011.
131. V. Heikkinen, I. Kassamakov, S. Lehto et al, Scanning White Light Interferometry, - a New 3D Forensics Tool, IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security, October 2011 Waltham , MA, USA, p. 332, 2011.
132. V. Heikkinen, K. Hanhijärvi, J. Aaltonen, H. Räikkönen, B. Wälchli, T. Paulin, I. Kassamakov et al, Hybrid light source for scanning white light interferometry-based MEMS quality control, Proc. of SPIE Optacal Methrology, Munich, Germany, Vol.8082, 2011, p.80822O-1.
133. V. Heikkinen, J. Aaltonen, B. Wälchli, H. Räikkönen, I. Kassamakov, T. Cholakova, K. Grigoras, S. Franssila, R. Kakanakov, E. Hæggström, Infrared Scanning White Light Interferometry Using a Solid State Light Source, Proceedings of the SPIE Photonics West conference, San Francisco, California, USA, Vol. 7928, 2011, p. 792809.
134. V. Chitanov, L. Kolaklieva, R. Kakanakov, Surface morphology and Edge Termination of Nanolayered Ohmic Contacts for AlGaN/GaN Based Sub-micron Devices, 8th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies – NN11, 12-15 July 2011, Thessaloniki, Greece, Book of Abstracts, p. 299.